Wow I don't usually blog and now I know why, it's extremely time consuming. Anyhow i just wanted to start sharing my braces story with others. I know that I have been extremely inspired by reading other peoples stories. So I'm hoping someone can be encouraged by mine. I have needed braces since I was 10-11 years old. I just never ended up getting them. My parents had insurance, so it's not like it was out of the question to get them. I noticed they got worse as I got into my early twenties. All I can guess what that is from is my wisdom teeth coming in and pushing the two front teeth out that much more. My teeth have always bothered me, but once that happened I disliked them that much more. So here I am at 26 years of age just now getting braces. Better late than never I guess. I had my braces put on April 20th and 4 pre-molars extracted on May 20th. My estimated time in braces is 18-24 months, which seems to be the norm.
Everything has been going well so far. I did get two dry sockets with my lower extractions. That was a difficult couple of weeks. But other than that everything has been pretty easy. Some aching here and there. All I can guess is that my teeth are shifting. I have a wire adjustment on the 29th of this month. I've heard it's a little painful after those, so hopefully I can get through that. Getting the braces was a big blow in my self esteem, especially because I'm doing the all metal. But after two weeks of having them on I quickly got over it. I have a had a few people comment on my braces, always nice things to say. I did have one person say I looked cute and like I was 15. I just took it as a compliment. :)
As far as eating goes things have been okay. The first week was definitely the hardest. I was worried I wasn't going to be able to eat anything again. That might also be because the second day after getting my braces on my wire popped out. So the next time I went back to my Ortho's office he twisted them so that they wouldn't come out at the slightest tugging. So that has given me a lot more freedom to eat more things. Which is nice because next to sleep eating is one of my favorite things.
I will post pics soon. It's been almost 2 months on the 20th that I've been in braces and I don't see any change. So no need in taking any pics tonight. Also keep in mind that I''m not very good at proper punctuation and I'm sure there are a gazillion typos in this post alone. So please don't take this too seriously. I'm not perfect! :)