Tuesday, July 26, 2011


So 3 months in so far!! I can say that I'm finally starting to see some change. Mostly on my lower teeth more than anything, I can feel it too. One of my bottom teeth was especially sore today. Kind of a dull ache, and whenever I took a bite of something it was that much more painful. Good sign I guess though. I took a pic tonight of the progress that I have noticed. FYI my iphone makes my teeth look super yellow, so sad :( so be prepared.

So, you can see here that the tooth that the arrow is pointed to is the one that has been super sore, and you can see how much it has shifted. I can't wait until they are all straight. It actually seems like a possibility now. It's exciting to finally notice some change by myself!! :)


Wednesday, July 6, 2011






July! 2.5 months later

So I have almost had my braces on for 3 months, July 20th will be three months exactly. These past two and a half months have actually gone by really fast so I'm hoping the rest of the time goes by just as fast. I saw my orthodontist last Wednesday on June 29th and he said everything is looking great. I told him I hadn't noticed much movement on my bottom teeth and he told me he can tell a big difference, and to prove that he showed me the pictures from the day I had my moldings and everything done. And I guess I agree with him a little, there is a small amount of change. Not enough to excited about though haha. He did say 18-20 months sounds about right which is awesome. I will take 18 months over 24 months. So we will see.

They didn't end up doing a wire change because he said that if they try and move things too fast it might just have a bed effect and mess everything that has been done so far. So in 6 weeks I go back in and he said most likely a wire change on the top teeth and maybe leave the same wire on the bottom if it's doing what it needs to be doing. They shaved some of that blue stuff off my teeth because my teeth were no longer biting down on the brackets, but that's basically all that happened at my last appt.

I took some pics will post them in a bit. Excuse the bits of food in my teeth, should have flossed before I took pics just forgot. :(